Impactful research to inspire treatments for hyperphagia and severe obesity

We’re committed to advancing genetic understanding to fuel MC4R pathway research, disease knowledge, and a community of physician-scientists focused on learning more.

Our unique DNA sequencing data platform

Our approach to understanding MC4R pathway diseases is built upon a DNA sequencing infrastructure that includes genetic samples from approximately 80,000 people with severe obesity. (Each sample has been de-identified, or made anonymous, to protect the donors’ privacy.) This database, believed to be one of the largest of its kind, is a unique resource.

Genetic testing can play an important role in diagnosing rare MC4R pathway diseases. To help us understand the relevance of the variants we discover, we use tools like large-scale biochemical screening studies and genetic epidemiological analyses.

By deepening our understanding of the genetics that contribute to severe obesity, we aim to identify people living with rare MC4R pathway diseases who may benefit from targeted therapies.

Discover more

Learn more about our genetic testing program.